Call (844) KICK-IT-1 for live concierge care
You can do it

Real help that works

Overcome your addictions or unwanted habits

Get started
A man and woman enjoying the view of after summiting a hike.
Help on your schedule

Therapy that doesn't disrupt your life. 1:1 psychological therapy along with our mobile app at times and places that work for you.

Meds to beat cravings
Suboxone, naltrexone, acamprosate, and other options may be prescribed and delivered to your home. We accept Medicaid and most insurance.
Community connection
Online and in-person sponsor and group support and coordination with community help when you need it.

Beat your addictions and unwanted habits

Substance use

  • Alcohol
  • Cannabis
  • Nicotine / Tobacco / Vaping
  • Opioids / Painkillers
  • Stimulants (e.g., Adderall, meth, cocaine)
  • Depressants

Unwanted habits

  • Gambling
  • Compulsive Pornography or Sex
  • Compulsive Shopping
  • Mobile Phone / Internet
  • Social Media
  • Video Games
  • TV / Video Streaming

Addictions and unwanted habits exploit the same biological pathways

Man running down a leafy street
The Anonymous Health whole-person approach to care

No more recovery silos

Anonymous Health Coordinated Concierge Model
Concierge care management

Ongoing, centralized, proactive coordination of the Client Journey

Medication assisted treatment

Medication, in combination with counseling, behavioral therapies, and drug testing, to provide a “whole person” approach to treatment

Teletherapy counseling

Counseling and medical appointments combined with mobile app-based CBT for clinically superior outcomes

Groups and peer support

Online meeting groups and peer support relationships to support recovery

Mobile app to support your journey

Engaging weekly “chapters” and daily engagement — based on evidence based practice — provide powerful tools to support you on the road to recovery and yield better outcomes

Take the easy first step and learn more about our life-changing solutions


Learn more
Doctor with clipboard
Anonymous and safe

The highest privacy standards. Keep your habit private between yourself, your doctor and your insurance company.

No stigma

Almost all of us fight addictions and unwanted habits.

The “Drumbeat”

Find your rhythm, and let your habits and biology work for you.

Fighting the fight

Pushing back on all of the modern forces driving our addictions and unwanted habits.


The very best proven, personalized treatment approaches delivered consistently.

The very best evidenced-based therapy with a combination of app-driven and one-on-one personalized therapy

efficacy rate of computer-assisted therapy versus one-on-one therapist-only approaches
reduction in depression comorbidities
savings within one year
Anonymous Health's Drumbeat mobile app screenshot