Call (844) KICK-IT-1 for live concierge care
For Community Partners

Reliable, fast engagement for your patients

Proactive outreach from discharge and into comprehensive, evidence-based care for your patients struggling with substance use and addiction

Evidence Based — Whole Person — Concierge Engagement
A woman checking her phone

Our Community Partners

Drug Courts
Patients referred to us through drug courts can receive the services that they need while also returning to their lives and community
Police Departments
We provide a reliable, proactive treatment partner for police officers and provide a platform where officers can educate themselves on addiction
Corrections Departments
  • Support programs both during and after incarceration
  • Reliable, comprehensive care as individuals with addiction challenges reintegrate into the community
Probation and Parole Departments
Coordinated solutions for individuals who have been sentenced to probation or who have been released from incarceration on parole
Social Services
Coordinated, comprehensive treatment services and resources for those that are enrolled in other social service programs